Hi everyone, Thanks for reading this article, I hope you find it helpful. To help us maximize the hacks in this article, we need to understand the question types in the reading section. They include; FACTS/DETAILS: Fact/Detail questions want to know specific information found in the passage. The easiest thing about this question type? It’s always possible to find the answer, since it’s found directly in the passage! NEGATIVE FACTS/DETAILS: These questions sometimes confuse students because they often ask for the wrong answer, not the right answer. These questions are easily identified because they contain the words “NOT” or “EXCEPT.” REFERENT: Another word for “referent” is “pronoun.” These questions require a sharp eye and a solid knowledge of singular/plural, masculine/plural pronouns. VOCABULARY: Vocabulary questions ask for definitions of specific words that are closest in meaning out of all four possible answers. INF...